Monday, December 29, 2008

My Sis's PMR[A]

Today my sister goes to school and get her PMR marks..................
She tell me that she get 4A...............
I proud of her but she sad of her marks.......................
Anyway I think she get a good marks....................

Congruatulation Sis !!!!

!d!ot W@N to Kn0w +He @nswer

= =

!d!O+ !!!! Wh0 W@n Kn0W @b0u+ Last +!me ! W@n u AlL 2 +h!nK

W@+ !s +hE @nswer !s Is @ ....ZzzZzz... !dio+

{Saddd Shorttt Storyyy}

Haiz..................... MY Grandma get sick.... ErM My Familyyy so Worried !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zZzZ...We So T!rEd need some Sleeppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????

@nD We R S0 S@d [V_V] [T_T]

Friday, December 19, 2008


I think I want to play badminton with my cousin but ......................
{think what i will talk next}[Aswer will be tell one day]


ZzZzzzzz (=_=!!!)